Tag Archives: CDC

The More You Know

17 Nov

I like to think that I usually do not get on soapboxes with this blog, but today I kind of am.  I apologize (in an semi-insincere way) in advance.  But really, its a soapbox we should all get on.  So here goes….


Today, Novemeber 17, is Great American Smokeout Day.  This is the day that the American Cancer Society uses to promote the cessation of cigarette smoking–mainly by encouraging smokers to use today as a day to quit or to use today as a day to plan a specific quit date.  Having a specific quit date is important.  I think we all know how useless procrastinating can be….and its even more useless when your life (or the life of someone you love) is at stake.

Each year, the National Center for Health Statistics–along with the CDC and WHO–conducts and publishes scores of surveys regarding smoking.  These range from the effect of smoking on the likelihood of various disease outcomes, the economic effect of cigarette smoking, and smoking among adolescents.  It’s amazing to me that we can keep looking at these numbers and not do something more to stop this killer.  So, as I climb onto a higher soapbox, I’ll share some of these “fun” facts to hopefully shock you to take even the smallest action.

1.  Tobacco use is the #1 preventable cause of death in the United States.  Stop! Read it again! Tobacco use is the #1 preventable cause of death in the U.S.

Actual Causes of Preventable Death in US, 2000

And since almost 20% of Amercians are smokers (45.3 million people), its almost impossible for you to have someone in your life who’s death could have been prevented through tobacco reduction.

2.  The list of diseases associated with tobacco use is crazy long.  Seriously, just try to read them all.

3.   Please note the dotted line.  These are the goals set by health professionals for the newest publication of Healthy People.  Here, the professionals spare no sense of pride.  They have a lofty goal but its one we could and should meet.  Yes, the rate has been decreasing, but let’s not stop now!

On that note, please visit the CDC’s Tobacco Site for more statistics and tips on quitting.  It just may be a life.  http://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/

Grateful for hair cuts, reusable grocery bags, and email.

Do birds with the flu tweet?

1 Nov

More than a year ago, I was taking a class in graduate school that I did not find so interesting.  It was something about policy or management or some other sort of business-y thing.  Believe me when I say, this is NOT why I got into public health.  Anyway, when threatened by a less than fun class, I tend to interject my own humor into the assignments.

Thus, when we were assigned to write a paper and design a presentation regarding a recent health event (and of course we had to tie it in to some sort of policy decision), I sought a topic that would keep me interested.  And that’s when I decided to talk about Twitter.   Specifically, I chose to explore how the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) chose to manage the swine flu epidemic through the use of social media.

Now, I do have a twitter account, but I have never really used it.  But in the course of this assignment, I began following one of the CDC’s many accounts–CDCe_Health.  Mainly, the tweets tend to be more teasing than informative–directing followers to visit certain sites to learn more about the topic de jour.  Thus, I’ve tended to ignore them for the last year.

However, this weekend, I came across a CDC tweet that caught my eye.

Oh, yes.  The CDC is talking zombie apocalypses and apparently has been for awhile.  The whole zombie apocalypse marketing strategy is dedicated to educating people about emergency preparedness and encouraging people to make their own zombie apocalypse kit.

They even have a comic book (or graphic novel if you prefer) which apparently has even made its debut at Comicon.  Do what?!?!

Check the whole thing out here!

Yes, it’s crazy corny–a mix between “I Am Legend” and a PSA, but look how cool the CDC is trying to be.  It just trips me out.  And best yet, there is a t-shirt.  (And as a t-shirt addict, I feel duty bound to purchase said shirt.  I mean, it is for a good cause.)

Buy it here!

Buy it here!

First, twitter.  Now, zombie apocalypses.  What next, CDC?!?!  What crazy hipster idea are you going to delve into now?  I’m anxiously (and probably quite nerdily) awaiting.

Until then, I guess I just need to get prepared….its coming.


Grateful for making lists, audiobooks, and oh-so-cold Coke Zero.