Tag Archives: championship

S is for Sickness

18 Dec

What is it about Christmas time that lowers my immune system’s ability to fight off bacteria and viruses?


My possible ideas:

1.  I’ve been working too much

2.  It’s the time of year when these kind of infections happen.

3.  I’m doomed.


Ha…just kidding.  It’s not as serious as all that.  But it does seem that, yet again, I am becoming sick around Christmas.  My body has been aching slightly for a couple of days, but nothing too serious.  But today, the fever hit and the body aches became more serious.  Even pulling on my boots and stepping into the shower hurt.

But I still tried to make it to work.  And I did last 5 and 1/2 of the 7 hours I was scheduled to work.  Thankfully, I have tomorrow off so I can sleep and relax and recuperate.


But like I said, this is not the first Christmas I have been sick.

There was one year when my allergies were horrible.  We must of had a different kind of tree that year.  In fighting the allergies, I took some Benedryl and promptly fell asleep–missing all of the day’s festivities.

The most notable Christmas illness was the Christmas of my first year in college.  After finals, I returned home to find a house of sick people.  My father, mother, and younger brother were all battling a stomach virus.

Worse, the house did not have any signs of Christmas.  The Christmas tree was propped up against the wooden fence in the driveway with its trunk soaking up water from the bucket it was in.  This could not be.  I had to get our home in the Christmas spirit.

Armed with determination, I loaded the tree in the bed of my father’s truck, drove around to get as close as possible to the sunroom doors, and drug the tree up the deck stairs and into the sunroom.  I believe I had all kinds of tree sap and small scratches on my arms from the effort.  But the tree was up–even if slightly askew.

Then, the next weekend, when my family was finally recovered, we all headed to the State Championship football game at our high school.  I was beginning to feel fatigued and achy, but I ignored it as I drank Gatorade by the gallon.  Sadly, before the game started (we had gotten there 4 hours early), I had to leave as I had begun getting sick.  I did make it home, driving very slow and stopping once or twice, but I missed the epic Gamecock win as I spent the night in the bathroom.


I do hope this illness clears up soon.  I have big plans for a great Christmas.  My family is all coming to visit me and we have a fun time planned.  Surely, a day in the bed (and a little motrin) will help me recoup enough to get everything done for Saturday.


Grateful for Powerade, the caring thoughts of loved ones, and sweat pants.